Cada música é mais absurda que as outras. Nelas, ele homenageia ou avacalha amigos e instituições. Veja só os nomes: "Kurt Cobain", "Demolition Doll Rods", "Bill Clinton", "Alanis Morisette", "Britney Spears", "Casper, the Homosexual Friendly Ghost", "Cut the Mullet", "Rock and Roll Mc Donalds", e assim por diante... Parece musiquinha do South Park! Surreal! *rss
All right, let's rock it to Russia
Kurt Cobain was a rock singer for Nirvana
He rocked the United States by flying all over the country and playing that rock and roll
He is a good singer
He is my rock star
Kurt Cobain
Kurt Cobain
Kurt Cobain
Kurt Cobain
Nirvana's 1991 Nevermind album, which has sold more then ten million copies, turned Kurt Cobain into a spokesman for his generation
It is a mantle with which he was never comfortable
He can really rock like a magikist
He can really play that rock and roll
Kurt Cobain
Kurt Cobain
Kurt Cobain
Kurt Cobain
Upon its release last September, In Utero shot to number one on the pop chart
There were signs of trouble when the band played two concerts at the Aragon in Chicago
The first show was a triumph
It was a knockout
Kurt Cobain
Kurt Cobain
Kurt Cobain
Kurt Cobain
Timex, it takes a licking and keeps on ticking
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